Learning Outcomes, Assessment, and Alignment

Posted by on Feb 20, 2017 in Edtech 542, Uncategorized | No Comments
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  • Learning Outcomes, Assessment, and Alignment

    How do we succeed?

    Below you will find several documents that will help to shed light on how students will be assessed during the Student Driven Performance. In order to see all the documents please use the tabs to cycle through them.

    The first Document outlines the expected learning outcomes. These are the skills and knowledge students will demonstrate upon completion of the SDP project. The table in this document shows how the subquestions and driving questions align to the standards and criteria found in the 21st Century Learning Goals and the Core Arts Standards.

    The next document lists the assessment tools to be used in order to allow students to demonstrate that they have answered the driving and sub questions therefore meeting the criteria stated in two standard sets. A summary of what each assessment tool is and what it is meant to assess is also included.

    Next you will find two sample formative assessment tools. The first is a checklist used to assess the Research Presentation. The second is a questionnaire used in peer assessments.

    The final assessment is the summative Rubric used to grade students at the end of the Student Driven Performance.
