Video Integration Part 1

Video Integration Part 1

Below are the videos that will be used for a video integration activity that will be placed into a complete lesson plan in part 2. There are two sets of videos. One is a “Piano Basics” guide intended for students who know nothing about the piano. The second set of videos is intended to teach students how to play a basic blues pattern. Please note that each embedded player contains several videos. Please click on the ‘List’ icon in the lower left hand corner to see a complete video sequence. Below each player is a brief description of each video.

Piano Basics Playlist Descriptions

Each video on this list is directly related to achieving the ultimate lesson objective of students demonstrating the skill seen in the last video.

  1. Piano Basics Scale RH

    This item demonstrates how to play a simple C Major scale in the right hand.

  2. Piano Basics Scale LH

    This item demonstrates how to play a simple C Major scale in the left hand.

  3. Piano Basics Scale HT

    This item demonstrates how to play a simple C Major scale uses both hands together.

  4. Piano Basics Chords RH

    This item demonstrates how to play a I-IV-V7 chord progression in the right hand.

  5. Piano Basics Chords LH

    This item demonstrates how to play a I-IV-V7 chord progression in the left hand.

  6. Piano Basics Chords HT

    This item demonstrates how to play a I-IV-V7 chord progression using both hands.

  7. Piano Basics Completed

    This item demonstrates the objective skill to be demonstrated.

Basic Blues Playlist Descriptions

Each video on this list is directly related to achieving the ultimate lesson objective of students demonstrating the skill seen in the last video.

  1. Blues Scale

    This item demonstrates the basic blues scale using the right hand.

  2. Basic Chords

    This item demonstrates the chords used in the 12 bar blues progression played with the left hand.

  3. Blues LH Progression

    This item demonstrates the actual 12 bar blues progression played with the left hand.

  4. Blues Together Basic

    This item demonstrates the objective of the video sequence; The completed basic blues.
