Internet Enriched Lessons

This week’s activities cover three different asset plans. In each asset plan a different web 2.0 tool specific to music takes center stage to facilitate an asset, activity, or project high on relative advantage. The major internet based tools used in these asset plans are:

Use the menu options below to cycle through the 3 asset plans available.

  • Basic Form through Loop Editing

    This asset is designed to show students how to write a song using basic musical form without asking them to create melody rhythm and harmony from scratch in traditional musical notation. Students begin by being shown the fundamentals of working with LoopLabs through an example video and/or teacher guided instruction. They are then asked to explore the Looplabs library and select loops to represent harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic elements of their song. They will then select a simple musical form such as ABA, AABB, ABCA and create a work that reflects the form chosen. Students get plenty of teacher and peer feedback before submitting their work via a Google Drive folder for assessment via rubric. The asset plan is embedded below along with the Student Guide Sheet. Any necessary screencasts, Google forms, and the final Rubric need to created before successful implementation.

  • Basic Melody Writing through HookTheory

    This asset is designed to show students how to create a simple melody. Students start by selecting a song available on Hooktheory’s Theorytab tool which shows the chord progressions needed to play various songs. They then open Hooktheory’s Hookpad songwriting application and copy the chord progression from their chosen song into a new Hookpad document. They will then write a new melody over the chord progression they entered keeping in mind the fundamental rules of melodic writing. After completing their work they will export their work as a ‘score’ and as a WAV using the options available in Hookpad. These completed documents will be uploaded to their Google Drive folder for assessment against a rubric and feedback. Please note that this asset has several prerequisite understandings before it can be successfully employed. Also, this asset can be used as a stand-alone reference without the assessment portion in order to familiarize any student with Theorytab or Hookpad.

  • Audio Recording Through Twisted Wave

    This asset is designed to show students how to create simple audio recording, edit it, and add simple transitions and effects. They will then learn how to upload their work to Google Drive for use in a multitude of other programs. This unit begins with the either the teacher explaining the basic functions of Twisted Wave (an online audio editor and recorder) and/or the student going through the demonstration video. In groups of 2-4 students are then asked to go on an audio scavenger hunt for various sounds around the school (or classroom). After they have collected their sounds they must then edit them together into one sound clip before uploading their final work to a particular Google Drive folder. Note that this asset can be used as a stand-alone reference without the scavenger hunt for a multitude of other units.
