PBL 21st Century Tools

Posted by on Feb 22, 2017 in Edtech 542 | No Comments
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  • PBL 21st Century Tools

    Where we’re going we don’t need roads.

    This week I am reflecting on the tools needed to implement my Student Driven Performance PBL. I will briefly outline the need for such tools before exploring each tool and summarizing its usefulness within the context of the project.

    Technology integration is a key component of the Student Driven Performance. Putting aside the 21st Century Learning Standards requirement for its inclusion there are many reasons why internet based tools and resources are a must.

    The Student Driven Performance PBL has many moving parts. There are several teams, all with independent tasks, but all of those tasks are geared towards a common goal. With several interim goals that must be completed on a tight timeframe proper group synchronization will also be crucial. We should also not forget that this will be the first time any of the students have participated in a project of this kind. Many of the tools, processes, and resources will be completely new to them.

    Technology which allows for collaboration, planning, and shared work in and outside of class will be key to the project’s overall success. We must also consider that scheduling and the reflective journal are also major project components. Fortunately, Google has created a suite of tools that do everything required for this project at no cost.

    The Google Suite for Education includes Google Drive and all of the basic google apps (Docs, Slides, Sheets) and also incorporates other tools such as Hangouts, Calendars, and Gmail. With the inclusion of an easy blogging platform (Google Sites), it becomes clear that this suite is the ideal tool for the Student Driven Performance.

    Google Drive:

    At the heart of Google’s offerings is Google Drive. Drive offers PBL students the ability to store, share, and submit work without worrying about lost papers. Having their work cloud based will also make it accessible to any other group members should someone be absent.

    Docs, Slides and Sheets:

    The basic google apps suite will allow students to easily generate and collaborate on submittables such as Interim Reports, Performance Practice Presentation, and team meeting notes.


    Hangouts is Google’s instant messenger app which will allow students to communicate in real time even if they are not physically in the same space. This app opens up the possibility of classrooms without walls and flipped classrooms. It also increases collaborative potential when completing tasks with other tools.


    Having a synchronized calendar that allows students to be more aware of due dates, team meetings, and upcoming events is crucial. Making that process collaborative allows for everyone to know exactly what expectations to meet and when to meet them.


    Google Sites could be easily employed to allow students to keep a reflective journal that catalogs their journey through the PBL and serves as a record of their individual learning. In a digital format this journal can be accessed at any time and contain video, audio, and photographic examples taken right from student smart phones.
